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World Health Assembly Decision 73(14)

July 28 - 29, 2021

World Health Assembly Decision 73(14)

In response to Decision WHA73(14) on influenza preparedness, which was adopted by WHO Member States in August 2020, the WHO Secretariat has developed a pre-recorded briefing for Member States and relevant stakeholders. This approach allows WHO to:

provide an update on the status of WHO’s implementation of WHA73(14); and
seek written feedback through an online questionnaire on paragraph (2)(f), which requested the Secretariat to consult with Member States and relevant stakeholders regarding global influenza vaccine production capacity, supply chains, and distribution networks.

This pre-recorded briefing allows WHO to be as efficient as possible by reaching all Member States and relevant stakeholders and to seek broad feedback on WHA73(14) implementation. The pre-recorded briefing is approximately 40 minutes long and recordings are available in all six official languages. The recordings and slides can be accessed here. The accompanying questionnaire can be accessed here. The questionnaire will remain open through 30 July 2021.